Prescription and nonprescription medical treatments offer those experiencing early stages of hair loss some relief and assist with maintaining a fuller, more balanced appearance. Transplantation may be needed in the distant future, however for some patients, topical creams, shampoos and medications can revitalize and stimulate the existing follicles to slow down and control hair loss. After a transplant, a patient may continue with these methods as well to maintain the strongest results possible.


happy older coupleConnecticut Hair & Transplant Centers prescribes two FDA-approved medications for reducing hair loss:

  1. Rogaine (Minoxidil): This over-the-counter foam or lotion, designed for men and women, is directly applied to the scalp. Rogaine works by stimulating stunted follicles related to hereditary loss and assists with producing thicker-looking hair. Patients are advised to use Rogaine two times per day, every day; results don’t become apparent until the product is used for at least four months. In the meantime, patients may shed older, thinner hairs.
  2. Propecia (Finasteride): This prescription-only drug taken daily blocks testosterone from converting to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and thus, is only designed for men. For male pattern hair loss on the vertex and anterior mid-scalp area, this medication takes six to nine months to produce results.

Laser Therapy

The FDA approved this non-chemical, non-invasive and painless procedure in 1998. Administered in the office with a hood-shaped device or handheld unit at home, low-level laser light therapy (LLLT) applies cool laser lights at a consistent 660m wavelength to the scalp to stimulate cellular growth. The cells then absorb the light to stop hair loss. Patients who have more hair or are in the early stages of hair loss tend to have more success with this procedure.

Cosmetic Options

Various nonprescription solutions, applied to the scalp or hair, assist with camouflaging an uneven appearance or create the look of fuller hair:

  • Microfibers made out of keratin protein are applied and blend in with the hair’s natural appearance.
  • Powder matching the hair’s natural color is applied to fill in less-full areas.
  • Creams matching the hair’s natural color darken the scalp. After application, the cream won’t rub off and withstands sweat and water.
  • Powder is added to the hair to give it a fuller appearance.
  • Sprays are applied to create a thicker appearance or eliminate bald spots.

Connecticut Hair & Transplant Centers offers some of the most advanced hair treatments and technologies. If you find yourself in the early stages of hair loss, work with our experienced professionals to explore prescription or nonprescription medical treatments.

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