Connecticut Hair & Transplant Centers offers a quick approach to achieving a natural appearance through non-surgical hair systems. Also known as non-surgical hair replacement, these are built upon the industry’s latest technologies, better understanding of growth patterns and natural construction materials.

Our researchers and technicians fit patients with two basic types of systems:

  1. Stock: While an improvement over the wigs and toupees from years past, these are still a mass-produced product based on common color gradations and hair loss size. Although inexpensive, they’re not as unique to each individual’s hair loss pattern.
  2. Custom: We use a high degree of measurement to accurately match your specific size and pattern of hair loss. These systems offer more detail and achieve a more natural look through exact match color and organic gradation. Lighter materials are used and more attention is given to the front of the hairline.

Happy CoupleAll hair systems use an attachment, which may be clips, glue or tape. Patients primarily prefer glue, also known as bonding adhesive, and tape, as the wearer finds they provide a more secure fit and natural appearance. Attachments may last up to four weeks, particularly if a stronger product is applied, but most prefer a daily wear bond, which allows the system to be removed at night or every few days.


Connecticut Hair & Transplant Centers uses four standard bases, all based on the materials’ strength and their natural appearance:

  1. Full Lace: Offering the most natural all-around appearance, although they’re considered the least durable.
  2. Lace Front: Similar to the full lace, but offering better strength in the back. This style features an attractive, inconspicuous front hairline. Here, lace is only used for the front and hairline and skin material for the back and top. However, these may have a slight bump where the two materials meet.
  3. Skin: Features the appearance of hair naturally growing out of skin-like material. CHTC designs these to match the patient’s natural skin tone. Keep in mind that these systems are gas permeable but are not breathable.
  4. Conventional: Has been the most popular and offers a stronger, long-lasting design. The materials are thicker, with a mesh top and polyurethane perimeter, but the appearance is less natural.

For men, these systems (called toupees) assist with covering male pattern baldness. For women, hair systems must not only offer an ideal, authentic fit and look but have the appearance and feel of smooth, shiny hair.

Matching hair issues specific to women, our designs include:

  • Full caps, which cover the entire head and incorporate side burns
  • Partials, which fit behind the natural hairline


Connecticut Hair & Transplant Centers creates our systems out of polymers and mesh fabrics, with the hair knotted or injected:

  • Polymer: Polyurethane or silicone is used to construct a skin-like, strong material, which has a very close resemblance to natural flesh tones.
  • Mesh: Nylon or polyester creates a fine lace material.

Patients must also consider ventilation, or how the hair is added to the base:

  • Injection: Only an option for thicker skin bases, this approach seals the hair between the polyurethane and silicone materials. As a result, all follicles point in the same direction.
  • Looping: Also only available with skin bases, this method has the hair sewn through the base in a V- or U-shaped pattern. However, while the skin layer is thinner, the “hair return” is more visible.
  • Knotting: Used with both lace and skin bases, knotting is the most common ventilation method. Hair is tied around the monofilament materials in small knots, available in three sizes: Double, single or half knotting. Bleached knots also offer a more natural appearance: The hair is put through a bleaching process after being tied, which removes the darker color to make the knots invisible.

Connecticut Hair & Transplant Centers offers some of the most advanced hair treatments, performed by a highly-skilled medical team.

To explore all hair systems and non-surgical replacements, please give us a call to schedule
a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our expert consultants.